
Because fearless crime-fighter isn't an official major

刑事司法 offers so much to learn and explore!

Are you interested in exploring a career in 修正, 执法 or taking on a role in our judicial system? By studying 刑事司法 at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 (网赌正规真人实体在线平台), you’ll explore the theories behind crime and punishment, juvenile delinquency, drug and alcohol addiction and other criminal 正义 areas.

网赌正规真人实体在线平台's 刑事司法 program offers students an exciting opportunity to learn hands-on investigation techniques during a mock crime-scene investigation!

Mock crime scene investigation topics include:

  • 警方反应
  • 证据收集
  • 摄影
  • 犯罪现场素描
  • Interviewing and interrogation techniques
  • 事故调查
  • 和更多的!
Student with crime dummy

No matter where your interests lie, there are opportunities for you in 刑事司法. This program has close links with many other fields of study, incorporating elements of Psychology, Sociology, Biology, Chemistry, Anthropology, English, 教育, Philosophy, 社会 工作 and 计算机科学.

机会 abound in 刑事司法!

Where can a degree in 刑事司法 lead you? 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 offers an AAS in 刑事司法 and Forensic Science to prepare you for a variety of exciting 挑战性的职业. If you enjoy working with people and their communities, being physically fit and active outdoors, and solving puzzles, this is the field for you.

Skills you gain in 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's 刑事司法 program will prepare you for any one of 以下职业:

  • 执法

    • Police officer, such as city police, deputy sheriff or state patrol
    • 法医科学
    • Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
    • Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
    • 我们元帅
    • 九年制义务官
    • 侦探
    • Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
    • 人质谈判专家
    • 犯罪现场技术员
  • 修正

    • 狱警
    • 缓刑监督官
    • 假释官
    • 九年制义务官
    • Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
  • 司法系统

    • 检察官
    • 辩护律师
    • 法警
    • 书记员
    • 法官
    • 法院书记官
    • 调查员
  • 其他感兴趣的领域

    • 鱼 & 野生动物官员
    • 调度程序
    • Child Protective Services inspector
    • 私家侦探
    • 安全官
    • 教育
    • 国土安全

Program 学习ing Outcomes for the 刑事司法 AAS

Program learning outcomes are the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students will achieve before they graduate. The outcomes below were developed by the faculty in 刑事司法 with input from accrediting bodies, advisory committees, employers, 等. This collaboration ensures that the outcomes are relevant for careers that this 学位导致.

Students who graduate with an AAS in 刑事司法 will be able to:

  1. 应用 critical thinking skills to analyze complex criminal 正义 issues and formulate evidence-based solutions. 
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the legal system, criminal law, and the rights of individuals involved in the criminal 正义 process. 
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of various law enforcement strategies and techniques used to prevent and solve crimes. 
  4. Utilize effective communication skills to interact professionally with diverse individuals and groups encountered in the criminal 正义 field. 
  5. Demonstrate an awareness of ethical principles and apply them to real-world situations encountered in the criminal 正义 field. 
  6. Evaluate the impact of historical, social, and cultural factors on the development and functioning of the criminal 正义 system. 
  7. 应用 knowledge of technology and forensic science to criminal investigations and 证据收集. 
  8. Demonstrate an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of various criminal 正义 agencies, including law enforcement, courts, and corrections. 
  9. 应用 knowledge of human behavior and psychology to understand criminal behavior and 避免再犯. 
  10. Develop a professional identity as a criminal 正义 practitioner and understand the importance of ongoing professional development in the field.





There are several broad theories dealing with criminology, victimology and criminal 正义. Students will be able to articulate these theories as related to the three pathways and apply these theories to current studies in the criminal 正义 field as well as specific theories to specific courses (Juvenile Justice, Criminal Evidence 和调查等.).


Students will be able to interpret and analyze data from scholarly and popular sources, fostering critical thinking, and enabling the ability to use relevant data for decision making and forming written and verbal arguments.



Students at a crime scene